Hey, at least it all seemed to work out. They got the rain they wanted, right? Sure, for a bit, and they seemed pretty damn Hapi about it (...Yeah, puns still weren’t his thing), but then it just didn’t stop. It kept going and going, until the plants they were trying to save were completely drowned, and the soil stopped taking in the water entirely, leading to a gradual buildup which had only begun to eat at everything like some damn parasite. The amount of shit he’d just found floating around, from random everyday objects like chopsticks to kids’ toys or random trash, was absolutely fucking disgusting. Everything in this place was falling apart.
The people here were fucking nuts, to top it all off. Try to talk about how shitty the weather was, and they’d be at your throat. Guess he shouldn’t have expected any less of some weird impromptu cult, but, seriously, some of them had to snap out of it and see the real issue they were facing here. Soon enough, they’d join those drowned plants in this little flooding valley.
When a couple of their informants caught wind of this freaky ass place, it wasn’t hard to figure out this was probably the work of the deity they’d all collectively started believing in, and took even shorter to figure out where they should have been looking at. The entrance, apparently found one of the brats somehow tripping into the stream, had led to a pretty vicious place that they’d just decided to call ‘Nile,’ for lack of a better term (Adachi thought it was boring as hell, but he couldn’t come up with much better himself). Those kids had apparently almost gotten torn apart going in there, and while he didn’t really understand at first, going in far enough revealed some pretty damn tough shit that’d almost knocked him out, too.